Monday, July 28, 2008


comments 2:
Based on the article, i really agreed to the writer and this is a good afford to show the eyes
of the globalwarming issued arround the world. So many person especially evolved in this afford but the question " is it the socielty and the world constious the global warming againts our world?" they know or just ignores......for them who cares... as long they may breath, food, and deserved life in luxuries its all enough right" if this statement true...... my opinion they maybe came from other planet or in short we called them "robot".
Generally, as human being and as Khalifah in this world a few action need to be taken by us. Even In Al-Quran and sunnah all dalil mentioned that we need care about our worlds and life as muslim/muslimah in worlds. Based on article mentioned that human is major caused of globalwarming .. i agree that statement. mostly human activities contributed to globalwarming. The activities such as illegal cutting the forest,deforestation, open burning, and industrial are from human activities. but who will monitor the global warming issued.... the specialist, researcher, philosshy, etc... its good afford to them but when the issued will get solved...we as human can't change right? only data study, and observation as a signs that phenomenon was nearly to us ... maybe effect & implication in 200 years in future right body knows right??? it's different story if the worst case happen maybe occure in a year...may in that time international agencies make enforcement and all works to reduced to protect ours worlds become major issue, Rite? human likes last minutes habit!!!!!!
Maybe several step and action i proposed for the globalwarming reduce in local;
1) Highlight the meaning of the Globalwarming to all generation;- child, adults , old generation
make them understand the meaning of it. In this step all mediaelectrionics must evolve to promote the global warming in reduced and prevent it before worst.
2) Mostly in the market, supplier used non-recyclbe material ... we as consumer we need to banned them and promonting recyclbe material which much environmental benign.
3) As Governemnt of Malaysia, PM need to proposed extra budget for carryout research works especially in science and technology. With the expansion of budget may resercher, scientist glad to expand their research for find out the main caused of global warming and come with the solution to reduce and step for prevent it. Such as find other renewable energy, product environment frendly and recyclable
4) Law & legislation;- Law and legislation need to be strcitly and stringent. Its as rules and guide line need to follow by all. such as polluters pay the any polllution made by them and same with any industry.Who contributed air pollution penalyzed them and stop their licience without any influent of politicians.
5) Continuous monitoring and observation by specialist body such as DOE, to monitoring of air pollution level in Malaysia. if necessary their used the power to arrest them (who are contibuted to high co2 emisison in the air). Their duty include to highlight green house gasses definition, short / long term implication to ours worlds.
This is a only some tips i give. maybe if this step fully implemention and continuous , insyallah the problem of globalwarming will be reduce and life for ours world become longer free from global warming and atlast global warming is not the issue hopefully.


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